Plato Lions Club (Chartered in 1983)

Plato Lions meet every fourth Monday of each month, at the King Ping Pub Banquet Room, at 6:00 pm. To join the Plato Lions Club, just ask one of the Lion Members to sponsor you as a new member. Follow the Plato Lions on their Facebook Page: Plato Lions Club. 

Lion Clubs are Service Organizations. Joining a Lions Club is a great way to get acquainted in your community through Service Projects and Fundraisers. 100% of our earnings are given out. 

Fundraising Service Projects Donations to Lion's Foundations

Donations Locally

Pork Chop Dinner

Bloodmobile Hearing Foundation School Events
Soup 'N Sandwich Cans 4 Kids Mn Lions Eye Bank Plato Parks and Rec
Chili Feed Collect Eyeglasses/Hearing Aids Hearing Dogs of MN  Plato Fire Department
Dairy Day Veterans Projects Leader Dogs Plato Blue Jays
Golf Tournament Medical Closet LCIF Domestic Violence
  Macular Machine Kidsight McLeod County Food Shelf
  Local Parks Childhood Cancer  
  Cookie Baskets for Shut Ins Veterans Families  
    Food for Kidz  
    Youth Outreach  